Monday 30 April 2007

On the bandwagon

Well this is my first blog ever, and one I am very proud of.

This weekend was spent mainly weeding and planting daisies - I'd like to point out that the yellow flowers are not dandelions - they are pansies!
I'm quite proud of my garden efforts as you can see...
We have a big week this week at blinkBox. We're officially (fingers crossed) going into alpha trial. The web and tech team have been working so incredibly hard in getting the site in working order and this week sees the introduction of the blinkLounge: were blinkers can have conversations together (yes togtether!), take the quiz - (it is pretty darn hard I got 233 out of 1,000 or 23% pretty bad!) tag clouds ... all pretty exciting stuff anyway.
We're also launching the blinkTionary - a place were you can define a film moment to a word... but more on that later.